6: Mano Agapion Loves Hunk

This 1987 body swap fantasy suggests a Freaky Friday remake if everyone behind the camera was gay. UCB comedian and Greek homoprince Mano Agapion tells Tony and Drew why this movie is a pretty mess that everyone needs to see, but then the conversation devolves into a discussion about boys. Penis! Use the code THISMOVIE upon checkout at https://www.jungalow.com/ to get a 15 percent discount on your purchases. Website: https://www.youhavetowatchthismovie.com Facebook: facebook.com/pg/havetowatchpod Twitter: twitter.com/havetowatchpod Instagram: instagram.com/havetowatchpod/ iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/you-h…vie/id1435968370 Google Play: play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#…7djr6h77a4cqidltq Stitcher: www.stitcher.com/podcast/drew-mac…movie?refid=stpr SoundCloud: @youhavetowatchthismovie Mano on Twitter: https://twitter.com/manoagapion Drew on Twitter: twitter.com/drewgmackie Tony on Twitter: twitter.com/thetonyrodrig TableCakes Productions: https://www.tablecakes.com Patreon: patreon.com/tablecakes

This 1987 body swap fantasy suggests a Freaky Friday remake if everyone behind the camera was gay. UCB comedian and Greek homoprince Mano Agapion tells Tony and Drew why this movie is a pretty mess that everyone needs to see… but then the conversation devolves into a discussion about boys.

Check out Mano’s horror podcast, Horny 4 Horror.

Use the code THISMOVIE upon checkout at Jungalow.com to get a 15 percent discount on your purchases.

Drew Mackie