3: Tess Paras Loves Billy Jack

A 1971 indie feature that taught the nation to cheer for a man who kicks racists in their faces, Billy Jack is the cinematic lovechild of its stars, Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor. It's A LOT, but actress Tess Paras joins Drew and Tony to talk about how this film has its heart in the right place and might be more relevant to life in 2018 than you realize.


A 1971 indie feature that taught the nation to cheer for a man who kicks racists in their faces, Billy Jack is the cinematic lovechild of its stars, Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor. It's A LOT, but actress Tess Paras joins Drew and Tony to talk about how this film has its heart in the right place and might be more relevant to life in 2018 than you realize. Website: youhavetowatchthismovie.com Facebook: facebook.com/pg/havetowatchpod Twitter: twitter.com/havetowatchpod Instagram: instagram.com/havetowatchpod/ iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/you-h…vie/id1435968370 Google Play: play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#…7djr6h77a4cqidltq Stitcher: www.stitcher.com/podcast/drew-mac…movie?refid=stpr SoundCloud: @youhavetowatchthismovie Tess on Twitter: twitter.com/tessparas Drew on Twitter: twitter.com/drewgmackie Tony on Twitter: twitter.com/thetonyrodrig TableCakes Productions: tablecakes.com Patreon: patreon.com/tablecakes

Drew Mackie